Travel Advice

There are 17 articles on 2 pages.

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Seasonal Safari Guide by No comments yet

Deciding when to come on safari to the Victoria Falls/Kariba/Zambezi area depends on what you are looking for. There are basically four seasons as follows:- NOVEMBER-MARCH: Summer rainy season: Hot days (30oC+), and nights (22oC) strong possibility of showers or thunderstorms especially afternoon/evening. Rain cools the temperatures....

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Top Ten "Must Have" items to take on safari by No comments yet

Common sense Binoculars A wide-brimmed hat Sunscreen and lip-salve (total block or high protection) Sunglasses Mozzie ammunition(repellant spray/cream, anti-malarial pills) Sensible clothing - lightweight, cotton tops/shorts in neutral colours; long-sleeved tops/trousers/long skirts for evenings (keeps mozzies out); a tracksuit; a cott...

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Hot tips for travelling on safari with kids John Stevens Guided Safaris Africa

Multi-generational family safaris are becoming more and more popular. These uniquely bonding times are always special, bringing immense joy and pleasure. Introducing children and grandchildren to Africa is an unforgettable experience for the whole family. Wild Zambezi is grateful to John Stevens Guided Safaris Africa for providing the fo...

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Walking with wild sense by No comments yet

A traveller s guide to walking safely in the African bush caution and common sense will help, paranoia will not. If you are likely to be nervous, take an armed guide with you; respect the fact that the animals are wild and may behave unpredictably, especially if they are frightened, wounded or have young; don t walk alone or at night;...

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Codes of Conduct for Visitors to Mana Pools ZimParks/Zambezi Society No comments yet

Mana Pools National Park is a World Heritage Site; a unique wilderness and one of the most iconic wildlife parks in Africa. It is also an extremely fragile and threatened ecosystem. It is essential that all of us recognise this and do our utmost to protect it. To facilitate this, the Zimbabwe National Parks and Wildlife Authority (Zim...

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RESPECT THE WILD: A Code of Conduct for visitors in wild areas by The Zambezi Society No comments yet

Designed and produced by The Zambezi Society with the aim of encouraging an environmentally responsible attitude and a way of life to keep wilderness wild for future generations. WHY SHOULD WE RESPECT THE WILD? wild places and wild species have the right to existence and respect, along with humans we are part of the web of life:...

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4 x4 Code of Conduct Zim4x4 No comments yet

Zambezi Valley 4x4 specialists Zim4x4, who have a strict conservation ethic, have provided Wild Zambezi with the following Code of Conduct for self-drive visitors to the Zambezi s wild areas. General driving It is not good practice to play in the mud - or sand, or in other ways - with vehicles when touring. These activities should be confine...

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